Family Law
Family disputes are stressful and unique to every individual. We understand and empathize with our client’s concerns and give them a realistic assessment of options that they have. If necessary, we will represent the client in court if other means of resolution are not possible. We resolve issues in a common sense way that will provide practical solutions at an affordable cost.
Through its collaborative law approach Alrossi Law Firm promotes and assists clients to:
resolve family law disputes without going to court or threatening to go to court
remain focused on the best interests of children
ensure full and complete disclosure of all important information
negotiate in a principled, dignified and respectful manner
explore as many options for settlement as possible
reach creative resolutions that best meet the goals and priorities of the individual family.
Benefits to clients:
Less expensive than traditional litigation
Privacy and dignity–no airing of personal matters in a public court
Less stress for children
Less stress for spouses
A customized individual plan for settling your case
No waiting for the court’s backlog
Preserving a civil relationship with your “ex”.
Areas in family law that we assist with include:
Child support
Co-habitation agreements
Collaborative Family Law
Division of Property
Enforcement of orders
Equalization of family property
Hague convention applications (abduction)
Marriage contacts
Opinions regarding validity of foreign divorces
Preparation of separation agreements, marriage contracts and co-habitation agreements.
Restraining orders
Separation agreements
Spousal support
Variation of orders and agreements